Extending the Kingdom of God in Kenya & Africa

Discover KCOM

In April, 2009, Capital Church sent Dr. Stan Fleming and Evans Baiya to minister to two hundred pastors at a Pentecostal Evangelistic Fellowship of Africa (PEFA) conference. Afterward, 27 pastors signed up to become the first student class in what would become Kenya College of Ministry (KCOM). The vision of KCOM is to train and equip pastors in academic and practical ministry, especially those from rural areas lacking opportunities for training elsewhere. Pastors finish KCOM stronger in faith and character, with practical servanthood experience, ready to make an impact in their communities… Since 2009 students from various denominations and non-denominational churches all over Kenya and now Arusha, Tanzania have come to KCOM to complete the three-year program receiving diplomas and degrees at graduation.

Testimonies from Students